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International Art Presentation

As a result of the corona crisis and its effect on the continuity of exhibitions, presentation costs (travel, accommodation and transport costs) and site-specific production costs, if awarded, will only be transferred after signed confirmation by the applicant stating that the presentation will definitively take place. This confirmation should be submitted no earlier than 4 weeks before the start of the presentation. A further condition is that the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to clear international travel to the country in question. The awarded presentation costs will be reserved for a maximum of 12 months. The contribution to the presentation costs will be transferred no earlier than 4 and no later than 2 weeks before the opening date of the presentation. This measure does not affect the payment of awarded production costs. This explanation is intended for Non-Dutch platforms for assistance with a presentation outside the Netherlands. Artists in the Netherlands who wish to apply for assistance with a presentation abroad can consult the Dutch explanation. The Mondriaan Fund Makes it Possible

International Art Presentation Will you, as an artist in the Netherlands, be presenting your work in another country? Or, as an internationally recognized art institute outside the Netherlands, do you want to present art from the Netherlands, possibly with new work to be created for the occasion? If so, you may be eligible for an Art Presentation International grant. Here are the possibilities:

International Art Presentation grant Artists working in the Netherlands who want to present their work in another country, or foreign institutions that want to present contemporary work by living artists in the Netherlands, can receive financial support towards the costs of presenting Dutch visual art in another country. The Mondriaan Fund’s International Art Presentation grant stimulate the international reputation of contemporary visual art from the Netherlands. For whom – for artists who are professionally active and imbedded in the professional visual arts in the Netherlands; – for internationally recognized art organizations outside the Netherlands. For what – costs that enhance the visibility of the work and are not otherwise in the regular budget of a presentation. This can include a guest curator, travel and lodging expenses for participating artists and/or curator, transport and related insurance costs, production costs and/or translation costs; – costs for the production of new work. How much – travel costs (return) for the artist(s) and/or (guest) curator for a single production trip and a single trip to be present at the opening of the presentation; – a maximum of € 1000 per person for the participating artists and/or guest curators from the Netherlands, towards lodging; – transport and insurance expenses during transport of the work being presented; – a maximum of 50% of the production costs of new (site-specific) work commissioned by the non-Dutch art institution; – a maximum of 25% of costs of the publication associated with the presentation; – a maximum of 50% of the translation costs of subtitling a film.

  • How and when to apply Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, using the Mondriaan Fund’s online application system. You first apply for an account before you can apply. Once your application is complete, please allow for a processing period of 3 months from the moment your application is submitted in full. Grants cannot be awarded retroactively.

  • Terms and Conditions

  • For art institutions: – if you are an internationally recognized art institution located outside the Netherlands which considers presenting contemporary art an important objective, and are not primarily focused on sales; – if you include a realistic honorarium for the artist and/or guest curator in your budget. This expense is part of your production costs, and must be paid by you, as the commissioning party, to the artist or guest curator; – as an exception, you can also apply for support for presenting works by master students at Dutch fine arts schools or those following graduate or postgraduate courses in the Netherlands. – if you are engaging a guest curator from the Netherlands in your project, this person must have been active as a curator in contemporary art for at least two years, as indicated by their curriculum vitae.

  • For artists: – if you have to pay to participate in a presentation, you may not apply for a grant to cover your costs; – you have been working for at least one year as a professional visual artist and are registered with the Kamer van Koophandel (KvK, Chamber of Commerce); or if you have had at least 3 years of study at a recognized fine arts school and have been working for at least one year as a professional visual artist: or if you have worked for 3 years or longer as a professional visual artist. – As an exception, a non-Dutch art institution can request support in order to exhibit work by master students at a recognized higher arts educational or a post-academic institution. Click here to read all the terms and conditions of the International Art Presentation grant. Click here to read the General Terms and Conditions of the Mondriaan Fund.

  • Assessing the applications The Mondriaan Fund staff check the submitted applications and attachments to ensure that they are complete. Once an application is complete, it is submitted to the committee that advises on awarding International Art Presentation grant. Click here to see what happens to your application.

  • The advisory committee assesses your application on the basis of: • information about the host art institute; • a plan that includes a statement of motivation and a communications plan describing how a suitable audience will be reached; • the curriculum vitae of the artist, artists or curator; • a description of the work of the artist; • visual documentation of work by the artist; • a budget, including cost estimates. You can read the explanations of the required information in the Checklist below.

  • The advisory committee takes the following criteria into consideration: – the importance of the international reputation of the presenting institute, based on the quality of their programming and public reach, both quantitative and qualitative; – the quality and the development of the oeuvre of the artist; – the plan and the quality of the cultural entrepreneurship; – the combined the importance of the presentation, the work of the artist, the platform where it will be presented, and the moment when this presentation will take place; – the quality of the plan focused on audience reach; – the degree to which the proposal contributes to the international visibility and awareness of visual art in the Netherlands. An International Art Presentation grant can only be awarded if the advisory committee recommends the award. If their recommendation is positive, the committee can also make a recommendation concerning the amount of the grant stipend and the period for which this will be valid. Due to our limited budget, it is not possible to award grants to all those whose applications receive positive advisories from the committee. The board of the Mondriaan Fund consequently requests the advisory committee to consider the approved applications in relation to one another and rank them in order of priority. This can mean that an application can be positively assessed, but the applicant is nonetheless not awarded a grant.

  • Checklist To process your application, The Mondriaan Fund needs information. All of this information can be submitted in the application form itself, along with documentation that you can upload. Here below is a checklist that follows the layout of the application form and contains all the information required. Tip: have all your information ready before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments can be uploaded as PDF documents. Important: wherever a maximum number of pages is given, do not exceed that number of pages! Additional pages will be ignored.

  • The attachments below apply to applications on behalf of an institute outside the Netherlands. When you are applying as a visual artist in the Netherlands, please consult the Dutch explanation. Factual information about the non-Dutch host institute (5 pages maximum) Describe the objectives of the institute where you will be exhibiting, their activities over the last two to four years, their target audiences, collaborations, audience reach, international connections and press attention.

  • Plan (5 pages maximum) – describe the substance and concept of the presentation, the title of the exhibition and the period when it will take place, the expected number of visitors, expected media attention and the way in which they reach a suitable audience. Explain why you and possible other artists have been selected, as well as why the work being presented was selected; – if the presentation involves new work to be made for the occasion, explain the motivation behind this choice, and if other artists are also taking part, include a summary about them and their work; – include a compact curriculum vitae or professional profile of the (guest) curator of the project; – if the project concerns a collaboration, include the information concerning the collaborating institute or institutes. Describe the added value of this collaboration; – If the application also concerns a publication, explain the importance of the publication. Include the title, authors, subject matter and contents, the size of the edition, publisher, distribution and costs.

  • Curriculum Vitae (3 pages maximum) Include the most important information about your professional practice, especially in the last 2 to 4 years, such as exhibitions (indicate solo or group), events, commissions, awards and publications, including the year for each. Also mention any associated activities, such as teaching, advisory or jury positions.

  • Statement of agreement from the collaborating institute This should be a statement signed by the non-Dutch institute agreeing with your applying for support, or an official invitation from the institute with, if applicable, a confirmation of their commission to create new work for the occasion.

  • Specified budget with financing plan Submit your budget in Euros. If you will be creating new work commissioned by the institute where you will be presenting it, you should receive a realistic honorarium for your work. This honorarium is part of the production costs, but must be paid to you by the institute that commissions it.

  • Estimates Financial estimates or specifications are required for all costs above € 1000. Include all estimates in a single PDF document.

  • Explanation of the work (1 page maximum) Describe your work and the development of your professional practice. Include your artistic principles and intrinsic concerns and how these are expressed in your work and your professional practice. Include, for example, any collaborations or partnerships.

  • Visual documentation For a presentation of existing work, include a selection of several images in a single PDF no larger than 12 MB. For the production of new work, send us visual documentation with an emphasis on work from the last two to four years. This must be no more than 20 digital images, in a single PDF document of no more than 100 MB. In addition, you can include sound, video or film fragments. The total size and format of the submitted doc-umentation, including both visual material and separate fragments, can be no more than 300 MB, and no more than 15 minutes in duration. Click here for technical specifications for your uploaded documentation.

  • Documentation list In either case, include a numbered documentation list (in PDF) that corresponds with your visual documentation, with descriptions or captions for the relevant images, and your sound, video or film clips. (For example: 01, Title, 2020, duration 2 min.)

  • Where applicable:

  • Personal Records Database (BRP) extract If you do not have Dutch citizenship, include a recent extract, no more than 3 months old, from the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP, or Personal Records Database) where you live, confirming that you reside in the Netherlands.

  • Bank details or Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) registration If your application is approved, we need your bank account number in order to transfer funds. If you have applied for funding from the Mondriaan Fund in the past, we may already have this information. Has your account number changed or is it new to the Mondriaan Fund? If so, upload a bank statement which clearly includes your name and IBAN (International Bank Account Number). If you have a business bank account for your one-person business, include a recent (less than 3 months old) copy of your registration with the Kamer van Koophandel (KvK, Chamber of Commerce), showing that you are the sole proprietor of the account. Diploma, degree, art school history or Kamer van Koophandel (KvK, Chamber of Commerce) registration Have you been working professionally as a visual artist for less than 3 years? If so, we request copies of any diplomas or degrees from art schools, or a statement from the school that your study ended before you graduated. If you have not pursued a higher art education programme, include a recent copy of your registration with the Dutch Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) or foreign Chamber of Commerce as an indication that you are registered as a visual artist.

  • Questions? If something is not entirely clear, please feel free to contact the Mondriaan Fund staff. The contactpersons of this grant are: Bonnie Dumanaw (020-5231600), Philip Montnor (020-5231655) or call the general phone number (020-5231523).

  • Tips and examples Click here to read interviews with International Art Presentation grant recipients and see examples of approved applications.

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