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Open call for artists and activists Greenpeace UK, London / United Kingdom

January 15, 2023

Application deadline: January 15, 11:59pm, GMT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook

© Werner Rudhart / Greenpeace.

Bad Taste: confronting the role of industrial food in the climate crisis

Bad Taste is a Greenpeace project funding creative ideas that confront the role of the UK’s industrial food system in the climate crisis. UK-based artists and activists are invited to devise artworks, creative actions and interventions in places of public, political and corporate structural power.

Three projects will be supported with grants of 10,000 GBP, a separate production budget and a box of ash from burnt Amazon rainforest.

In recognition that there are inequities built into the industrial food system, this project prioritises the perspectives of artists and activists who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, people of colour and/or working class. We welcome people identifying as disabled and neurodivergent, and will support access needs wherever possible.

The ash represents the damage and violence that underpin industrial meat and dairy. Climate-critical forests across Brazil are burnt for the expansion of animal agriculture—displacing and destroying Indigenous Peoples' lives.

Even if fossil fuel use ended today, without significantly reducing meat and dairy, emissions from the global food system alone would make it impossible to limit warming to one and a half degrees celsius. Greenpeace is calling for a reduction of industrial meat and dairy in the UK of 70 percent by 2030. The transition away from industrial meat and dairy requires support to be in place for farmers to produce food more sustainably for all; stopping imports of all agricultural commodities like animal feed that are linked to the destruction of forests overseas; freeing up land to restore nature in the UK; a commitment to ensuring accessible, affordable, nutritious food that respects cultural and religious traditions; and adequate support for households on the lowest incomes. This project sits at the intersection of art and activism to foster imaginative strategies that create change. It’s the first time Greenpeace has fully opened up its action design process.

Submit your ideas by January 15, 2023. Find out more here.

Press and media enquiries: Read the press release.

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