COSTS COVERED: Accommodation Stipend / Fee
OPEN FOR:Individuals — Artists, Researchers & Critics
ART FORM / DISCIPLINE: Cross-disciplinary
ORGANISATIONS: Regional Government of Styria
On behalf of the Regional Minister of Culture Mr. Christopher Drexler the Regional Government of Styria allocates scholarships for young artists (maximum 40 years old) for the year 2022. These scholarships will be for international artists of all fields as well as for art theorists. Entitled to participate are artists and art theorists who look for contacts with artists and the creative scene in Graz, Styria. They will receive a monthly payment of EUR 1000 for subsistence. The scholarship requires the presence of the artists/theorists. A room with private bath plus a shared kitchen is available at the outstanding baroque Priesterseminar in the very city centre. The care and networking of the scholars take place through cultural initiatives in Graz, who also arrange a working space for the scholars. A presentation of selected works or an artist talk is scheduled. The period of the scholarship depends on the extent of the artistic intention and the decision of the jury. The minimum stay is two months.
Deadline: 10 August 2021 More info & apply