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Show us your films!

Animation submissions for Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2023 are open now through October 4, 2022. The international Tricky Women/Tricky Realities competition sees itself as a seismograph of the worldwide animation filmmaking of women*/trans and interhumans. The next festival edition will take place from March 8th to 12th, 2023. In addition to the heart of the festival - the international competition - special focal points on animation filmmaking in Switzerland and Latin America are planned. Tricky Women/Tricky Realities International Competition 2023 offers an international competition for animated short films made by women* (co-directors are welcome) and completed after January 1st, 2021. Multiple films can also be submitted. Films that have already been submitted to previous Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festivals are not eligible. The prices at a glance:

  • Golden film role of Maria Lassnig , endowed with 10,000 euros , made available by the Maria Lassnig Foundation

  • Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Prize, endowed with 4,000 euros , made available by the VdFS - collecting society of filmmakers

  • Grand Post Prize , €2,000 Voucher , provided by The Grand Post – Audio & Picture Post Production

  • Sabine & Nicolai Sawczynski Audience Award , endowed with 1,000 euros

  • Up & Coming Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Prize

  • Up & Coming Audience Award

  • Hubert Sielecki Prize, endowed with 500 euros for an Austrian animation film

  • Austria Panorama Audience Award

Special Calls (not limited to current work):

  • Labor/Work Affairs/ Fair Play in cooperation with the Vienna Chamber of Labor (not limited to current work)

  • Feminis t Topics (not limited to recent work)

  • Latin America Special (Animated films by women filmmakers* from Latin America that deal specifically with the changes that women*, trans and interpeople are experiencing in Latin American societies, the challenges and achievements, the impact of feminism, visions for the future, but also Themes such as body politics, femicides, violence against trans women, street harassment, abortion, etc.; not limited to recent work)

  • Animated documentaries (not limited to recent work)

Submissions can be made via shortfilmdepot >> here . Or via our festival platform >> here . Information on the competition conditions can be downloaded here:

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